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eCommerce Marketing Made Simple

eCommerce Marketing Made Simple

The rise and hold of eCommerce sites in the global market have transformed both consumers and businesses. The ubiquity of Smart phones and other technological advances have made it inevitable for this transformation. There are around 11000 eCommerce websites. According to eMarketer, ecommerce is the only trillion-dollar industry growing at a double-digit percentage each year.

At this point, the success of your eCommerce site depends largely on your marketing skills. Without marketing, it’s impossible for you to reach potential customers. Most of our clients wanted to know simple yet effective ways to market their site. Here’s to them, some of the most simplest ways and helpful tips they can try to boost up their eCommerce site.

It’s all in the details

Creating a perfect user experience starts with the first impression they get by looking at your site. Your site’s design, navigation, smooth scrolling, captivating, unique logos, right fonts and powerful visual media can have a huge impact. Remember, it takes only 50 milliseconds for users to like your site. Having a pleasing site appearance is the first step to an effective marketing option of your eCommerce site.

Setting up a plan is a MUST

Having a solid marketing strategy is crucial. For this, you need a well, worked out plan before you proceed further. A strong marketing plan will help you analyze your target audience and your key goals. Your marketing plan should consider your main marketing objective, targeted audience, the different strategies you’d want to implement, strengthening your brand’s position and even alternate methodologies. Also, including previous year’s marketing campaign result’s analysis in your plan is a good idea.

Know what marketing strategies can work for your eCommerce site

Being updated about the current market trends can be a painful task when updates on all tools are taking place on a weekly basis. But you can’t ignore this part. Apart from this, it’s good to know which of your product is doing great, your customer’s behavorial pattern, sales details, a thorough analysis through questionnaires and desk research, your site’s peak performance time with the help of your site’s analytics and sales report. Based on this, you’ll be able to target the right visitor with the right product.

Having done the above, now it’s time to figure out what strategy can suit the best for your eCommerce site.

   1. Email marketing

If you’ve still not tried email marketing tactics, you’re losing out a lot. Email has a better outreach than any other channels could offer you – your personal touch. For a successful email campaign, It’s essential that you create a strong email network through a powerful distribution list. Once you manage to build your distribution list, it’s a good practice to segment them based on the customer type and what their purchase. By doing this, you’ll have the benefit of giving equal attention to all kinds of customers.

Don’t forget to monitor subscriber activity and let your loyal customers know your exciting offers. Track your monthly marketing newsletters and update regularly to let your customers know what’s new on your site. You can also send them gentle reminders and offers based on their interest and last purchased items. Setting up automated emails is one more way to let your eCommerce site known better.

   2. Getting stronger hold in SEO

When users search for your eCommerce site, it’s the most important they find you on top in Google. You need to carefully play with the Keywords or use Google AdWords keyword tool in order to nail the right keywords. The next step is on-page optimization. Ensure your descriptive page title and META tag are rich in keywords. Consider using keywords in headers and hyperlinks. Avoid duplicate contents for search engines. Once your Onpage optimization is complete, you need to focus on Guest posting and Link building. Internal link building is important as studies show that 69% of people base their browsing on these links. This also gives better credibility to your site. With tools like WebPosition’s Page Critic tool, you can make minor tweaks following their recommendations.

   3. Launching stores on multilingual platforms

It’s the current trend to have multilingual versions of your eCommerce site in order to attract diverse demographics. By going multilingual, you reap the benefit of increasing your brand promotion easily and making it a familiar face for your users. This is a simple yet an effective marketing tactic to include for your eCommerce site.

   4. Making use of PPC through AdWords

PPC or Pay Per Click is another great way to advertise your eCommerce website in a profitable manner. Google’s Product Listing Ads are which online merchants purchase through AdWords. It’s possible to generate more traffic, generate quality leads. By featuring your product information directly in your ad, shoppers are more likely to know your site and make purchases. It also gives a broader presence of your site and helps you monitor your product’s performance.

   5. The power of Social Media

When it comes to Social Media, you have options like being active on social networking sites, promote your site through blogs, forums and social bookmarking sites. Be it big or small, social media can create a huge impact on your eCommerce site.

Many sites are getting the much needed attention and promotion just by having a dedicated online presence for their brand. Setting up product reviews, polls, contests, freebies and getting to interact with customers directly for feedback are the benefits of Social networking sites.

Being an active blogger, producing quality content for your eCommerce site, promoting your site in online forums and discussions using Google Groups and letting users bookmark your site through AddThis can bring significant outreach for your site. You can also include social networking sites’ buttons for users to share your content easily.

Implementing Affiliate Program for your online store is also highly recommended. Although it’s a challenging method, this can definitely create a solid impact of your site.

Time to time analysis of your marketing strategy

You cannot be sure which strategy could work the best for you. What works for your competitor may be a bad idea for you. It’s recommended that you improvise and constantly experiment with these strategies. Ensure you thoroughly understand the pros and cons of what worked and what could work depending on the current market trends.

Remember, it takes time for any strategy to show up the desired output. By choosing the above simple ways, you can be sure to effectively market your eCommerce site.

Need some guidance in simple marketing tips? Contact our Atlanta eCommerce developers today!

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