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eCommerce Solutions

eCommerce website owners need to generate revenue and master the art of driving the traffic to their websites. You need to convert the visitors to your website into loyal clients which in turn doubles the ROI of your business. Making a visitor purchase from your eCommerce website involves a lot of analysis of the users and it also involves the understanding of what the users are looking to purchase during their visit.

Innoppl and our eCommerce brand The Commerce Shop, bring you the most optimized & personalized services that are exclusive to your eCommerce business to improve your site conversion rate and in turn boosts your sales. We offer world-class eCommerce consulting and solutions, namely-

  • UI/ UX design and fixes
  • Remapping Site Navigation
  • Content And Marketing Strategies
  • Optimizing Products/ Categories
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Custom Module Development
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Security Updates
  • Security Audits
  • Checkout Optimization
  • Setting Up Customer Reward Programs
  • Responsive Designs
  • PoS And Accounting Integrations
  • Mobile App Development and Integration etc

Our Team

Our team’s eCommerce expertise helps us to study and analyze our customers’ requirement thoroughly before we arrive at CRO plans exclusively designed for you. We tailor our services to fit your business!

Our Industry Solution Examples

Wallaroo Hat Company

With expertise attained while working with a lot of eCommerce companies, we learnt that even a minor change to an eCommerce website can boost sales immensely. Wallaroo Hats, a prominent hat company, had contacted us to boost their sales. The changes that we incorporated to their website boosted their sales up to 65%. The changes that made the difference were-

  • Created a custom wholesale portal where whole sale dealers could manage their accounts including payment.
  • Built a simplified tax management system
  • PayPal integration for easy payment options
  • We implemented user review systems for customers to read before making a purchase

W3ll People

W3ll People is an eCommerce site catering beauty & wellness products. We helped them redesign the entire website by analyzing the best performing categories & products. We upgraded their Magento version as well. This increased their site speed by 20%. W3II People expressed their happiness and they credited us for our tactics to improve their sales which impacted on increased revenue.

LoCost Medical

LoCost Medical is a Medical eCommerce site. After a close analysis and audit, we found out that most of their products were hidden in Google searches. Innoppl with their set of SEO experts came up with a best performing site map which allowed enhanced Google crawling. We also updated their Magento version and we recreated their URLs &did customized SEO. After this, LoCost Medical noted a spike in the traffic to their website and the performance of the site drastically improved.

Categories We Focus For eCommerce Solutions

We provide end to end eCommerce solutions that include CRO, SEO, Website redesign, building custom carts, site maintenance and support etc.

Nash Ogden

Nash Ogden

20+ Years of Experience Working with Multiple Brands

Schedule a Free 15-30 Min Call With Our Technical Architect To Discuss App Development.

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