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How To Increase Conversions In Facebook Business pages?

How To Increase Conversions In Facebook Business pages?

There has been a decline in organic interactions in Facebook business pages in the past few years. Experts cite two reasons for this trend. The first one being ad content posted on the social media platform and the second is Facebook’s news feed changes made in 2018.

For readers, it makes perfect sense to see what’s important for them and the new Facebook news feed strives to do the same. Let’s find out more about the news feed changes.

Facebook news feed changes

The latest news feed algorithm from Facebook prefers content from friends and family over plain marketing content. This brings us a new opportunity to pitch tailor-made and interesting brand stories for your target audience.

Working of the Facebook news feed algorithm

Earlier, the news feed algorithm focused on two main factors; how recent the post was and the relationship between the content creator and the reader. But with the introduction of machine learning algorithms, today, news feeds are adaptive to user preferences. It checks what sort of contents are liked by the user, the time they spend on those content and so on.

The changing landscape of Facebook organic reach

Facebook news feed has gone through a series of revisions in the last couple of years. The aftermath of data misuse by Cambridge Analytica is making Facebook set new priorities for listing the prime news feed. These include whether the content has been shared on Facebook Messenger, if it has multiple replies, likes and comments.

Is it worth spending on paid content?

A social paid ad platform with 2.2 billion users is hard to ignore. Despite a decline in organic reach, a robust paid ad strategy for your Facebook business page will help you enjoy an edge over competition. With Facebook’s evolved algorithms that can help you target your ideal personas, improve your ad campaigns by using their marketing tools like conversion tracking, custom audiences and customizable reporting.


To sum up, Facebook news feed algorithm displays content that are most likely adaptive to the user preferences keeping person-to-person content as high priority.

While this can promote a positive experience among Facebook users, on the other hand, it could be challenging for businesses to run full-fledged ad campaigns and expect immediate results. Hence, revamp your Facebook strategy and parallelly, concentrate on other social media sites like Twitter, Medium and Instagram as well.

BONUS: Tips to develop content for Facebook business

Here are a few useful tips for you to create tailor-made content for running ad campaigns in your Facebook business page.

  1. Define your marketing strategy and set goals with timelines.
  2. Write for your target audience addressing their needs and wants.
  3. Request your page followers to enable notification settings.
  4. Create short engaging videos about your business.
  5. Engage your followers at regular intervals.
  6. Learn more about Facebook Ad Manager and Power Editor.
  7. Try low budget ad campaigns initially.
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