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The True Development Cost Of Augmented Reality Apps

The True Development Cost Of Augmented Reality Apps

Augmented Reality, as a technology is finding new fields and transforming impossible things to reality. The major advantage of AR is that it enables the users to visualize 3D objects, drop them in real-world, see how the 360-degree view looks and then decide accordingly.

AR, together with VR, known as mixed reality, is gaining popularity as well as profitability. According to statistics by Digi-Capital, AR revenue forecasts hint $90 billion by 2020.

Whether you have a large enterprise or a mid-level company, AR investment is a must. AR has already penetrated into many industries such as hardware, customer service, advertising, gaming, and entertainment as well. AR can change the way people interact and consume information

How To Calculate The Cost Of The AR App?

To calculate the costs of the AR app, we need inputs such as

  1. App category
  2. Type
  3. OS platform
  4. Basic or advanced features
  5. Design
  6. Target users
  7. 3D model and animation requirements
  8. Backend support
  9. Payment integrations
  10. Analytics
  11. Additional features

Start with the app category like game, business, lifestyle, education or others. Decide whether to make the app mark-based, location-based or SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping).

Choose the OS platform like Android or iOS and determine whether it will be a native or hybrid app.

Choose the design from either template, individual or premium. Determine how the users will interact with the app, say, for example, email/social login, feedback, group calls, privacy settings etc.,

Evaluate how many 3D models should be developed and the quality (eg: resolution) of each model. Costs may increase when you need to animate each 3D model.

With regard to payment integration, the more you provide, the easier it will be for customers during the checkout process. However, every payment integration you add will also increase your development cost.

You need to integrate Google Analytics by default and others as per requirement.

On the flip side, the cost can also be estimated by splitting into three stages:

  • Design
  • Coding
  • Testing

Assuming you have 3D images and building an app for furniture (eg: IKEA place), the design cost would range up to $30000, coding would range up to $70000 while testing could add $12000 to your overall cost. Again, this depends on the country because the hourly rates for developers in each country varies.

Platforms for free and DIY apps

Entry-level AR apps are available for free. To give you an example, Zooburst, Layar Creator can be used for 3D storytelling. Aurasma, Zappar are other free AR platforms provide more features in premium versions. But if you are looking for custom app branding especially on the enterprise level, then it will cost you more.

Customized AR apps – Cost estimation

Different industries have different AR requirements and the development costs will vary accordingly. In general, the base app development cost for industries will be lower, but a monthly maintenance fee a.k.a subscription model may add up to the overall cost.

AR TypeCost estimation
AR based on gyroscope$6750~$11250
Location-based AR$22500~$36000
AR with ARkit/ARCore without 3D$5500
360 virtual tour$8500
Architectural visualization$8500
Object recognition with computer vision$18000
Facial features recognition app$24000
Indoor/outdoor mapping$25000
AR multiplayer$29000

Source: AVRspot

It has to be noted that the above table only hints a few cost estimation available and this may vary depending on the various factors mentioned earlier in the article.


Estimating AR app development cost is easy if you take into account all the factors and develop apps in a phased manner like the basic app, advanced app or subscription app. This can very well fit your budget. Failing to evaluate the app’s scope and functionality or redefining its purpose at a later stage of the development process will definitely exceed the budget or cost estimation performed initially.

Innoppl can ‘redefine’ your customer experience with AR technology. Our experienced AR app developers can create engaging virtual experiences and cater to different business requirements. Whether it is personalization AR app development, 3D overlays, security and encryption, AR for wearable devices or integrating the app with the cloud, we provide end-to-end AR solutions at affordable costs. If you find it difficult to estimate the AR app development costs for your business, please talk to our AR experts.

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