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Designing An iPhone App

Designing An iPhone App

iPhone app design has been started with the wireframe, wireframe may be a simple drawing in a pen, there are some tools do design a wireframe such as balsamiq, msvisio and so on, only difference in creating a wireframe with pen and wireframe design tools is accuracy. If an iPhone app layout is simple and usual, it’s good to start with a pen and a paper. If the design is complicated it’s my advice to use wireframe drawing tools. Importantly I’m not talking about the wireframe which u receiving from the client. Don’t bother about the wireframe type u getting from them. As a designer you have to stick with the basics creating a wireframe with use of any tools and make sure every element in the app is placed exactly where it has to be and definitely get a feedback.

iPhone 3g (320×480), 4s(640×960) and 5(640×1136) has different dimensions, older version of iPhone (3G) is just doubled its resolution in iPhone(4S) but in iPhone5 there is no change in the width while it’s stays in 640px and height is increased to 1136px. iPhone5 is here now, in some months or years we will be getting next version of iPhone. So there might be changes in resolution in the display. Designers need not to worry about this while certain part of views has to be designed in these dimensions while the design should be in scalable to avoid pixalated view and the rest has been handled by app itself.

Before applying visual design or user interface or user experience design, it’s necessary to make are searches like,

• What your app targets
• Who will be using the app
• App Usability region.

These are major research has to be done before starting an app. The designs should not be over looked or over designed, while simple element or gesture might have a complicated design.There are certain app in the store where particular age groups will be using that iPhone app, so the designs has to done accordingly using user-experience design fundamentals., it’s nothing but how user reacting and interacting with the designs. App usability region has to be taken consideration, whether our app design has a global reach or a certain regions. If your app has global market, we cannot do different designs for different people. So it’s necessary to make design clean and make user understand visually. These researches help in building a perfect app. iPhone5 has 4inch screen with 326 dpi, which designer’s pleased to have some more space to showcase the app design has reasonable spaces between the elements. Still there are more points to taken consideration to build a perfect app; I’ll be back in my next article. Let’s make the app clean.

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