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Why develop android or iOS mobile phone apps for the automobile industry?

Why develop android or iOS mobile phone apps for the automobile industry?

The need of mobile apps for automotive industry

According to a reliable survey, on average, every American spends about 38 hours per year in traffic. Some of the ways used by people caught in traffic to kill time in the car include listening to music, checking out the directions or play games on their mobile gadgets. Of late, automotive manufacturers are involved in deep researches to enhance the infotainment so that the future cars could be a smart mobile phone on wheels. Both the Silicon Valley and the Detroit are working hard to make future cars smarter.

Currently, the embedded systems in cars aren’t a cheap thing. However, the commoner is still able to enjoy of the facilities using android or iOS mobile apps via their smart phones. The capability of smart phones and the cost effectiveness of the mobile apps available in the automotive sector have made the automobile industry look for better options that would provide users with hands free experience while driving.

Ongoing hustles for dominance in the automobile industry

The obvious competition between the two dominating mobile operating systems android and iOS has also entered the automotive arena with well known car manufactures taking sides with either of the platforms. Audi, GM, Honda and Hyundai, have joined hands with Google and have opted for Android mobile platform for their vehicles. Whereas, companies, such as Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Ferrari, Hyundai, Volvo, Jaguar, and Chevrolet among others have opted for iOS operating system in their vehicles.

While these automobile giants are looking into embedded systems that could provide an enjoyable experience for users, their thoughts have a mixed reaction among the customers. For instance, the taxi drivers across the country have found both android and iOS applications that could provide them with all of the essentials they need without having to shell out a dime. On the other hand embedded systems from the manufactures could greatly escalate the price of the vehicle. While a few elite customers have welcomed the move, others say they prefer smart phone apps.

Opportunities in automobile industry

Undeniably there is a sizable and growing mobile app market in the automotive sector. According to estimates by the experts in the automobile sector, the number of connected cars in the next five years will be around sixty million. They also estimate that the revenue from hardware, software and telecom services in the automotive industry would be around fifty billion dollars a year. Currently the automotive manufactures on working out on various means of connecting the vehicle with mobile apps. For instance, integrating the internet connected handset with the vehicle’s hardware; merely using the dashboard as an extended interface for the mobile device; and connecting the inside-build hardware through external means while the computing takes place in the embedded hardware are some of the options.

Popular features of automotive applications

Independent android and iOS automotive mobile app developers, on the other hand, have already provided users with a number of mobile apps that can make the ride enjoyable. These applications house features that make the car owners and drivers feel comfortable while driving. The following are some of the popular features of automotive apps available in the app stores.

• Media galleries for entertainment
• Owner’s manual with digital guide to trouble shooting
• GPS locator and street view maps
• Location of the Dealers
• Information on roadside service, fuel stations, & garages,
• Information on weather and traffic on different routes
• Directions for navigation and assistance for parking
• Comparing fuel prices, and estimating maintenance charges
• Climate control functions
• Calculating fuel consumption & a lot more

Many of the applications in the app stores have been developed in order to connect customers with manufacturers, service personnel, automotive magazines, and other industry-related services. However, there are other apps that come handy in finding the route or even help the user to find a gas station nearby.

Android and iOS automobile apps for smart phones

Most of the service providers and users find android and iOS automobile apps developed for mobile phones cheaper and more efficient than the embedded or in-car computer systems currently in the market. When users are able to achieve their goals by just using a holder for their mobile handsets in their dashboard, they feel that it is unnecessary to invest huge sums in the embedded systems for the same services that are available either for a fraction of the cost or at times free of cost.

It is possible to develop android and iOS mobile applications for a variety of automotive businesses ranging from garages to fuel stations, sales and services, and car dealers among others. These apps can reduce the use of stationery and save much to the business in the long run. The field services app in the automotive industry can save much labor as well. For example, all of the forms that are filled using the mobile devices are saved in the central database for further processing. This not only helps the company in eliminating the need of data entry operators, but also makes the information accurate. The advantages of having a mobile app for your automotive business include quick service, popularity, convenience, and satisfied customers.

If you are a service provider in the automotive industry, you can develop your own android or iOS automotive mobile apps to improve your services and satisfy your customers. At Innoppl, we have hands on experience in developing android and iOS apps for automotive businesses. You can contact us with your requirements and business details and our expert mobile app developers will come out with effective solutions to improve your business.

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