Tag: Mobile apps

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What Is The Future Of Digital Transactions?

All of us knew that someday we would be going to the next stage of banking where we would abandon cards.

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Mobile App Security – How Safe Are We

We depend on mobile apps for just about everything and many of us don’t even think about the security

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Are Facebook and Twitter trying to cash in on their popularity?

Until now webmasters compete to get more Likes and many Retweets on Facebook and Twitter, respectively.

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Why Mobile Apps Are Considered As The Future Of Patient Engagement?

A reliable research suggests that health conscious people actively involved in the contemporary healthcare

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Flurry Analytics: Healthcare Apps Are Growing 87% Faster Than Other Apps

Recent surveys on mobile apps point out that the healthcare and fitness apps are growing at an alarming

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Impact of the combination of wearables and context

Smart mobile phones have taken the world by surprise. Even today, you can find people marveling at the

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What Will Be The Outcome Of Using Mobiles In The Construction Industry?

Undeniably construction industry is one of the largest industries in the country. Not only does it have

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Fine tuning the mobile app for better usability

In olden days, it is customary for the marketers to round up a group of consumers and secretly listen

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Why develop android or iOS mobile phone apps for the automobile industry?

The need of mobile apps for automotive industry According to a reliable survey, on average, every American

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Push Notifications Vs In-app Messages

Gone are the days of generic marketing, today all marketing campaigns have a personal touch in them.

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Why Is A Native App Considered As The Silver Bullet In The Mobile Arena?

Not so long ago appeared many articles on how HTML5 is killing the native app development. Many seers

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Nash Ogden

Nash Ogden

20+ Years of Experience Working with Multiple Brands

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