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Impact of the combination of wearables and context

Impact of the combination of wearables and context

Smart mobile phones have taken the world by surprise. Even today, you can find people marveling at the powers of smart phones, and mobile apps. Before they could realize that smart mobile phones and tablets are not a dream, the wearables are now in the market. When Google first announced the release date of Google Glasses, even the IT seers couldn’t believe their ears. Today, there are a variety of smart wearables such as smart watches, wrist bands, rings, and many more. If you are wondering how these devices can outsmart the smart mobile phones or tablets, the following information can be an eye opener for you.

It is a well know fact that context based mobile apps have made life much easier. Both business people and consumers know how context based services can help. Explaining content based services without apt examples is very difficult. In fact, the deadly combination of wearables and context make the concepts in science fiction come true. For example, if you are in a market place with your headset and you receive a call, the headset can sense the noise levels and either increase the volume of your device or reduce the background noise for a better voice quality.

Wristbands, for example, when worn by a marathon runner, can enable him to view his speed, his energy levels the remain distance, and calories spent while he is still on the move. One other apt example of the benevolence of the wearable and context combination is an accident scenario. If a person wearing a wearable device loses control of his vehicle, the device can sense the emergency situation and immediately alert 911 for help. In case the person is badly injured, the emergency physicians attending the person can instantly get the medical history of the person to provide him with the right treatment.

In the business point of view, for example, if a customer makes a call, your wearable can instantly collect the personal information of the customer including the things he/she has purchased from your stores. Knowing about the customer in a better way will help you address their issues in a more friendly manner. This in turn would increase the loyalty and help your business gain good reputation. Good reputation means more clients and more business.

While the users find it very exciting, the real challenge involved in creating context based applications is faced by mobile app developers. Goggle, being a pioneer in wearables, strictly insists developers to build context-based mobile apps to improve user experience. This is just the beginning of a new era of mobile technology, app developers have a long way to go. In fact, the success of wearables depends on the how the app developer builds the context based applications.

The role of context has gained attention after the debut of wearable devices. However, our mobile app consultants and mobile app developers very well understand the need of context based mobile applications. At Innoppl, we have been building context based mobile apps for a long time, and this is why we stand out of the crowd in the mobile app development arena. If you are on the lookout for a reputed and innovative app development team, do contact us.

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