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Fine tuning the mobile app for better usability

Fine Tuning The Mobile App For Better Usability

In olden days, it is customary for the marketers to round up a group of consumers and secretly listen to their opinions and comments on particular products or services. This is one of the ways to improve their marketing strategies. After gathering important data from the consumers, marketers would either add necessary features to their products in a way that it will benefit the consumers. In case, the performance of a product is not up to the mark and if it can’t be modified for better performance they would dump it and create one that is up to the expectations of the consumers.

In-app software

Today, similar tactics are being followed in mobile app development. However, mobile app developers need not round up the consumers, but utilize a simple software to understand the needs, expectations, and opinions of the users without having to go in search of them. Hardcore mobile app usability testers even recommend a screen capture software to get a clear idea of the consumer behavioral patterns. Carefully observing the consumers will enlighten you with innovative ideas of fine tuning your mobile app.


One other old yet efficient method of reading the thoughts of your customers involves in taking a survey on the different aspects of the mobile app. Mobile app usability testers can frame different types of questions that could effectively bring out what’s on the minds of customers. Selecting groups of consumers, according to their economic status or geographical areas will help you identify generic as well as specific issues that need to be addressed in the mobile app. One tough task in surveys is that the marketer should first identify consumers and classify them into specific groups to find out their needs and expectations. Asking the right questions to the right target audiences is the key to data mining.

Interactive features

Providing interactive features such as feedback forms are live chat would enable the users to open up their minds directly to you. Today, people prefer to contact businesses via mobile apps to get their grievances addressed. Interactive features will provide the essential consumer data so that the mobile app can be fine tuned to satiate the needs of consumers. With more than fifty percent of Americans being introverts, they prefer interactive features to communicate with the businesses than talking to the customer care representatives over the phone.

Although usability testers often use in house testing methods and do brainstorming sessions to provide exactly what the customers want, nothing comes near to the observing consumers in real time. Our Innoppl mobile app consultants and mobile app developers adhere to the best practices when it comes to fine tuning the mobile app for the best performance. If you had been looking to develop a high quality android or iOS app for business, do contact us.

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