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Why Is A Native App Considered As The Silver Bullet In The Mobile Arena?

Why Is A Native App Considered As The Silver Bullet In The Mobile Arena?

Not so long ago appeared many articles on how HTML5 is killing the native app development. Many seers predicted that the rate of technology development will make HTML5 apps more dominant in the near future. Theoretically, HTML5 apps do have the power of enticing business owners. It is true that HTML5 apps will dominate the mobile arena sometime. However, currently it is the native app that rules the roost. The debut of 3G and 4G mobile networks and the improvements in the web technologies made experts predict a bright future for HTML5 apps. However, one of the latest Forrester research reports says that HTML5 app has miles to go before it gets momentum.

According to the research native mobile apps continue to perform better than HTML5 applications. While HTML5 apps are “write once and run anywhere” approach, native apps are developed for specific mobile platforms. There is a chasm of difference in performance between the native apps and its HTML5 counterparts. Whether it be leveraging the hardware of the mobile device or it be the loading speed or it be the data storage, native apps are far superior to HTML5 apps.

While slower networks are cited as one of the reasons for the under performance of the HTML5 apps, there are also a few other issues faced by the app developers. For instance, native SDKs from mobile operators help the developers in fine tuning the native apps, whereas there are no promising tools in the market to fine tune HTML5 apps. With no support from major mobile operators, HTML5 app developers have to face many challenges before making it successful.

Even though native apps are still the silver bullets in the mobile arena, you should not underestimate the power of HTML5 apps. All of the predictions are likely to be true at some point of time. The only question is how soon?

At Innoppl, we are vigilant even to the minute changes in the mobile app arena. We would at this point of time like to keep our fingers crossed on the topic. However, we would be pleased to hear your opinions and suggestions. If you have one, do share it with us as comments.

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