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Here’s How to Use GA4 Properties for Your Mobile App – A Complete Guide

Google Analytics (GA) is a powerful, free tool that allows mobile app owners to track their website or app usage data. GA4 can provide insights on various aspects of your app, such as audience demographics, traffic sources, user engagement, and more.

Implementing GA4 tracking on your mobile app is a straightforward process that can be completed in minutes. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps for implementing GA tracking on your mobile app. Let’s get started!

How do I set up Google Analytics 4 for my mobile app?

1. Go to the Google Analytics 4 page and sign in with your Google account.

2. Select “Create Property” from the top menu.

3. Choose “Mobile app” as your platform, then enter your app’s name and URL.

4. Click “Create”.

5. You will be given a Tracking ID and some code. Copy this code and paste it into your app’s code.

6. You’re all set!

Google Analytics 4 will now track data from your mobile app.

Creating a GA4 Property:

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Admin” in the left navigation panel.

3. In the “Property” column, click “Create Property”.

4. Select “Web” or “App + Web” as your platform type. If you’re unsure, select “App + Web”.

5. Enter a name and website URL or mobile app ID for your property, then click “Create”.

6. Complete the remaining fields in the “Setup Wizard” and click “Create Property”.

Configuring Your GA4 Property:

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Admin” in the left navigation panel.

3. In the “Property” column, click the name of your GA4 property.

4. In the “Tracking Info” section, click “Tracking Code”.

5. Copy the Tracking ID (UA-XXXXXXXX-X) and Global Site Tag (gtag.js) snippet provided.

6. Paste the Tracking ID and Global Site Tag snippet into the of every web page or mobile app screen you want to track.

7. Save your changes.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each GA4 property you want to set up.

Setting Up Tracking for Your Mobile App:

(The same process applies to setting up your website tracking)

1. Go to the Google Analytics 4 page and sign in with your Google account.

2. Select “Create Property” from the top menu.

3. Choose “Mobile app” as your platform, then enter your app’s name and URL.

4. Click “Create”.

5. You will be given a Tracking ID and some code. Copy this code and paste it into your app’s code.

6. You’re all set!

Google Analytics 4 will now track data from your mobile app.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully implemented GA4 tracking on your mobile app. Now you can start collecting data and generating insights about your app’s performance.

Viewing Your GA4 Data:

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Admin” in the left navigation panel.

3. In the “Property” column, click the name of your GA4 property.

4. In the “Data Studio” section, click “link”.

5. Select the “Google Analytics data source” template.

6. Configure the data source by connecting it to your GA4 property.

7. Click “Create Data Source”.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each GA4 property you want to set up.

You will now be able to view your GA4 data in Data Studio.

Generating Insights from Your GA4 Data:

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Admin” in the left navigation panel.

3. In the “Property” column, click the name of your GA4 property.

4. In the “Insights” section, click “Create Insight”.

5. Enter a name for your insight.

6. Select the metric you want to analyze and set up the dimensions and filters you want to use.

7. Click “Create Insight”.

8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each GA4 property you want to set up.

Planning A Mobile App Development – Check This Space Here!

How Does Google Cloud Platform Factor Into All of This?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a set of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube.

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Select a project”, then click “Create a new project”.

3. Enter a name for your project, then click “Create”.

4. Wait for the project to be created, then click “Open”.

5. In the left navigation panel, click “API & Services”, then click “Credentials”.

6. Click “Create credentials”, then select “OAuth client ID”.

7. Select “Web application” as the Application type.

8. Enter a name for your OAuth client ID, then click “Create”.

9. In the pop-up window, enter the following information:
Authorized JavaScript origins:
Authorized redirect URIs:
Click “Create”.

10. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values provided, then click “OK”.

11. Paste the Client ID and Client Secret values into the appropriate fields in your GA4 property’s configuration file.

12. Save your changes and deploy the updated configuration file to your server.

13. Repeat steps 2-12 for each GA4 property you want to set up.

If you have completed this, then you have now successfully set up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on your website or mobile app and can begin collecting data. Remember, you can always refer back to this guide if you need any help along the way.

What is Firebase Project?

Firebase is a Google-owned platform that helps you develop iOS, Android, and web applications. Firebase has a number of features that can help you grow your app or website, including crash reporting, performance monitoring, analytics, and more.

To get started with Firebase, you’ll need to create a Firebase project. A Firebase project is a container for all the resources that you’ll use in your app or website. To create a Firebase project:

1. Go to and sign in with your Google account.

2. Click “Create new project”, then enter a name for your project.

3. Click “Create Project”.

4. Wait for the project to be created, then click “Continue”.

5. You will now be taken to the project’s overview page. From here, you can add Firebase features to your project, such as Analytics, Crashlytics, and more.

6. To add a Firebase feature to your project, click the “Add Firebase to your app” button for that feature.

7. Follow the instructions provided to add the Firebase SDK and config file to your app or website.

8. Repeat steps 6-7 for each Firebase feature you want to add to your project.

By completing these steps, you successfully created a Firebase project and can begin using Firebase features in your app or website.

How to associate your new Firebase project with an existing GCP project?

1. If you don’t already have a GCP project, create one now.

2. Go to the Firebase console and click Add project.

3. Select or enter a Project name. If you have an existing Google Analytics account, select it from the list. Otherwise, enter a new Project name.

4. Set your Country/region, then click Create project (or Add Firebase if you’re using an existing project).

5. On the Project settings page, select the Integrations tab, then scroll to the Google Cloud Platform card.

6. Click Link GCP project and select your GCP project from the popup that appears. You can also click Configure GCP services to set up your project with Cloud Functions for Firebase, App Engine, BigQuery, and Cloud Storage.

7. When prompted, click Allow to grant Firebase access to your Google Analytics data.

The Benefit Of Firebase Linked to GCP

With Google Analytics for Firebase linked to GCP, you can now use BigQuery to run queries on your raw, unsampled event data. This gives you the ability to answer complex questions about your app’s usage that would be difficult or impossible to answer with the standard reporting tools in the Firebase console. For more information on using BigQuery with Firebase, see the Google documentation available online.

Planning A Web Development – Check This Space Here!

How many GA4 properties can you have?

There is no limit to the number of GA4 properties you can have. However, we recommend that you create a separate property for each website or app that you want to track. This will help you keep your data organized and make it easier to find the information you’re looking for.

What’s new inside Google Analytics 4 properties?

Google Analytics is now on its fourth version, and with it comes new features to help you track your website traffic. Here’s an overview of some of the most significant improvements and additions.


The new GA4 interface includes several new reports, such as the Acquisition report, which shows you where your users are coming from, and the Conversion report, which shows you how well your website or app is converting visitors into customers or leads.

Data collection: GA4 uses a new data model that allows you to collect more data about your users and their interactions with your website or app. This data can be used to create custom audiences for remarketing and to better understand customer behavior.

Google Analytics 4 also introduces some new features that aren’t available in earlier versions of the product, such as support for Apple Search Ads and Google Marketing Platform products. These features are currently in beta and will be rolled out to all users over time.

Event Reports:

The Event reports in GA4 show you how people are interacting with your website or app. There are three types of events:

Pageviews: These are the most basic type of events and occur when a user views a page on your site.

Clicks: These occur when a user clicks on a link or button on your site.

Custom events: These are events that you can define yourself, such as add to cart or purchase.

There are also two new event parameters in GA4:

Non-interaction events: These are events that don’t require any interaction from the user, such as page load time or browser type.

Value: This is a numeric value that you can assign to an event. This can be used to track things like revenue or quantity.


The Funnel report in GA4 shows you the path that people take as they interact with your website or app. This can be used to see where people are dropping off, so you can make changes to improve the user experience.


The Retention report in GA4 shows you how often people come back to your website or app. This can be used to measure engagement and loyalty.

User flow:

The User Flow report in GA4 shows you how people move through your website or app. This can be used to find potential bottlenecks in the user experience.

There are also several new features in GA4 that aren’t available in earlier versions of the product, such as support for Apple Search Ads and Google Marketing Platform products. These features are currently in beta and will be rolled out to all users over time.

Wrapping Up:

Google Analytics 4 is a major update to the product and includes several new features that will help you track your website traffic more effectively. Be sure to explore all of the new reports and features so you can make the most of this powerful tool.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I check my GA4 reports?

There is no set frequency for checking GA4 reports, but we recommend doing so at least once a week. This will help you stay on top of your website or app’s performance and make sure that you are making the most of the data that GA4 provides.

What data is GA4 collecting?

GA4 is collecting data about how people interact with your website or app. This includes information about what pages they visit, what links they click on, and what events they trigger. GA4 is also collecting demographic information, such as age, gender, and location. All of this data is anonymized and cannot be used to personally identify individual users.

Can I still use my old Google Analytics account?

Yes, you can still use your old Google Analytics account alongside GA4. However, we recommend that you migrate to GA4 as soon as possible so that you can take advantage of the new features and reports that it offers.

Do you guys help in setting up GA4?

Yes, we can help you set up GA4 for your website or app. We can also help you migrate from an older version of Google Analytics to GA4. Contact us today to get started.

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