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Resolving iPhone Architectural Issue : armv6

This Article is going to tell a solution to resolve the iPhone architectural issue named as “armv6″.

Application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6 :

Recently, I spent much time to resolve an architecture issue, While submitting the app to iOS App Store. As, I have upgraded my Xcode to new version 4.2, I started to get error “iPhone/iPod Touch: Application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6″

I’ve been searching around the forum, blogs and trying to find the solution, but there were none. So, I resolved the issue by hard coding ‘armv6′ as an additional architecture option. Furthermore, I’ve also tried just reinstalling previous version of Xcode and try to build, Still I was stuck with same problem. Finally, Issue was fixed by changing the ‘iOS Deployment Target’ settings to “iOS 4.3″. I hope this post will help others who have facing the same problem.

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