Case Study: Hotel Front Desk

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Client’s Profile

Hotel Front Desk Client Profile

Hotel Front Desk is a one-of-a-kind idea which caters to hotel owners’ management requirements. The app was developed as a B2C app for the client’s own need but when the idea of scaling it up arose, the app needed loads to be fixed including bug fixes, improvements in user interface and user experience design.

Client’s Problem

  • The client wanted to turn the pre-built standalone app into a common app idea which could serve any hotel business owner for managing employees.
  • Though the app idea was good, the functionalities and UI woven around it did not make the usability easier and clear. Moreover, there were bugs which had to be fixed.
  • The contradictory part was that the app had three main functionalities which are ‘Create Work Orders’, ‘Create Logs’ and ‘Create Notes’. However, employees had to check the work orders created in a desktop which contradicts the whole idea of having a mobile app to simplify the process.
  • The client’s idea was to get the app perfected in all technical departments to make his idea of simplifying management a reality.

How We Solved The Client’s Problem

The Perfection Phase:

The debugging was the first cleaning process we planned for. Post the code restructuring and debugging, we started off with UI and UX improvements. We made sure that the app is absolutely flawless.

Scaling Up For Efficiency:

The app’s idea hinted us of a bigger potential so we got into scaling it up. We put forth our idea of building an iOS app with a backend to it and the client agreed.

The idea was turned into a downloadable app with a view to make it available for the entire workforce. The client was able to assign tasks to multiple users making delegation a cakewalk. Each employee can check their day’s task on their own smartphone.

Once the tasks are done, employees can update the status into the Notes and Logs section which keep the management informed about timely completion of tasks.

Turning A B2B Utility App Into A B2B Business:

The app could be a utile one for many in the hospitality industry. So we advised the client to turn it into an app that hotels can download and make use of. The subscription-based business model was to charge a fee on a monthly basis. To woo customers, the app was given a free trial period during which hotel owners would realize the prowess of the app.

Impact On Client’s Business

  • The perfected mobile app served well for the client.
  • The scope of the app was broadened making it a solution for hotel business owners struggling to manage resources smartly.
  • The app featured in the app store gained recognition and was the most sought after app for players in the hospitality industry.
Impact On Client’s Business

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