Case Study: Outside Television

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Client’s Profile

Outside Television Client Profile

Outside TV is an online television network which organizes outdoor adventure camps and sports. It allows adventure junkies to participate in events, create their own channel, share their adventure videos and create a social community.

Client’s Problem

With over 50% of the videos being watched on mobile phones, Outside TV wanted to make a mobile app for its user base to watch, upload and share videos on the go. Realizing that building a mobile app was more than a necessity to cater to the existing user base and to attract more, Outside TV handed over the job to us.

The requirements were:

  • Create a standalone app for the website.
  • Conceptualize an interactive UI.
  • Have a high response time and loading speed.
  • The app should incorporate all the functionalities of the website.
  • The app should be high on user experience so that the app users stay to it.

How We Solved The Client’s Problem

We developed an app for Outside Television on both iOS and Android. The UI was completely user-friendly with loads of options to customize video watching preference. We made sure that every feature of the website is incorporated to the app clutter free.

With a minimalistic design approach, the app was simple and straight-forward in terms of usability. To explore videos, users were given category based classification, search options and advanced auto-suggestion options.

As the client wanted the videos to be listed in a specific order, the iOS app development and Android development team at Innoppl created custom codes to place the order in which videos appear.

The code was etched in such a way that the administrators of Outside TV had the facility to change the order of the videos as and when they wish.

Deciding to provide the same feature to users, we created an option named ‘Customize’. Using this, users can select categories from which they want video suggestions to be fed. Users can also know the schedule of their favorite shows.

Impact On Client’s Business

  • With a mobile app on iOS and Android platforms, the user base of Outside TV witnessed a significant increase.
  • The on-the-go video watching convenience increased viewership twofold.
  • Subscription option helped users to stay in touch to their favorite channels.
Impact On Client’s Business

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Nash Ogden

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