Case Study: Liberate Health App

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Client’s Profile

Liberate Health Client Profile

Liberate Health is a service organization with a vision to help clinicians educate patients easily and effectively through software. Amassing opinions of top healthcare professionals holding expertise in different departments, Liberate Health tailors informative materials which can be used by patients.

Client’s Problem

  • Liberate Health’s vision was to become a sole player in the field of providing educative materials for doctors to educate patients.
  • Information loaded into the app must be simple enough to get the point across easily and accessible to avoid unnecessary calls and follow-up appointments.
  • The client wanted to find a solution to improve the quality of patient-doctor conversation which discusses about new medication and treatments. As per statistics, a doctor has only 11 minutes to spend with one patient and talks about new treatments happens for roughly about 49 seconds.
  • Liberate Help wanted to increase the percentage of adults who could recall their treatment plan thus reducing their dependency over doctor’s opinion often. As per statistics, only 10% among 89 million adults recall their treatment plan.
  • The informative materials should be highly secured, HIPAA compliant, password-protected and easy to share.

How We Solved The Client’s Problem

Administrative Interface:

Innoppl’s backend development team created an administrative panel which helps admin to scrutinize doctors before enrolling them as users. The credibility of doctors will be checked by the admin before confirming the request for enrollment. Once an enrollment is done, doctors gain access to information and make use of it.

Information Access:

Doctors will gain access to the information repository created by Liberate Health which they can use to educate patients about their treatment plans, health conditions and prescriptions.

Information will be classified based on conditions and each condition will have information under the ‘Deck’ tab. For example, for arthritis, all necessary information will be available in the form of text publishing, videos and infographics.

Advanced Patient Care:

Medical practitioners can make use of options like making notes, conversation recording and graphical chart representations. This information can be stored under Decks by the patient’s name for future reference.

Doctors can email patients about the information stored. Patients can access Decks sent by their doctor to find information about the treatment progress and treatment plan. These readily available details and updates help them not to revisit clinic frequently.

Impact On Client’s Business

  • The number of follow-up and call-backs from patients was reduced by a mighty margin.
  • Doctors were able to use the additional time to treat more patients.
  • The need to check on patients about how well are they adhering to their treatment plans was needed no more.
  • Liberate Health app won popularity among clinicians and thrives with millions of them.
Impact On Client’s Business

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