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App Developers Can Try Their Hands On SDK With Tobii EyeX Engine Very Soon

App Developers Can Try Their Hands On SDK With Tobii EyeX Engine Very Soon

People are curious to experiment with new technologies, and innovators in the IT field are uncompromisingly researching on various aspects to provide users with new experiences. App development has seen plethora of changes, and it is continuing to change with the emergence of newer technologies in the market. App developers have been trying hard to provide users with hands free experience. There has been a lot of research on different ways of human interaction with digital devices.

Only recently, there was a lot of speculation about the use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Gesture Control techniques in mobile app development world. Tobii, a Swedish company that has been researching in the eye tracking technology, is planning to roll out a software development kit with Tobii EyeX Engine. With Tobii EyeX Engine developers can add eye tracking to apps with ease.

According to a popular online magazine, Tobii EyeX Engine is capable of blending keyboard and touchpad movements to the movements of the eye. The SDK also comprises an EyeX controller and provides access to Tobii’s developer community. The SDK, which houses a set of specified techniques and tools, is expected to empower app developers with amazing creative power. Tobii assures that the new application would provide the users with a consistent and intuitive user experience by enabling them to perform some of the common actions like clicking, scrolling, and zooming among others simply with their gaze.

As of now the technology can be used by mobile app developers who focus on apps for tablets and laptops. Soon the technology is expected to be available for smartphones as well. The video released on the capabilities of the eye tracking app shows how the intelligent software utilizes the eye movements to control the system. For instance, if the user watching a movie on the tablet falls asleep, the eye tracking software automatically invokes the pause function only to be continued when the user wakes up. This technology will also make gaming more intuitive and fun-filled one. Soon this technology will be transforming the ways people interact with their devices.

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