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A Glimpse Of The New Features In Android 4.4 KitKat

A Glimpse Of The New Features In Android 4.4 KitKat

It is not unusual for the mobile users to expect new features whenever Google brings out new versions of the Android. Critics and fans of Android have been involved in debating and predicting the new features of Android 4.4 KitKat for quite some time. Although it is clear that the latest version of the android is aimed at targeting low-spec devices, people still wonder about the new features of Android 4.4 KitKat that will satiate the needs tech-savvy users. The following are some of the newest features that come as boon to the ardent lovers of Android.

Immersive Mode

Immersive mode eliminates the navigation bars to provide effective full screen mode. Users can now view the actual content on the whole of the mobile screen. Although this is already an existing technology in many applications such as, the windows media player and a few games, this is the first time it has been incorporated into the Android OS to provide users with rich experience.

Better Voice Command

The 4.4 KitKat version of the Android is now capable of accepting your voice commands. If you are familiar with “Ok Google” the touchless feature in the Moto X, you will find this feature very useful in performing a search, or setting an alarm without having to touch your mobile device.

Low-power Sensors

If you had been envying iPhone 5S for its low-power M7 motion coprocessor, you no longer need to be envious. Android 4.4 KitKat now comes with features that support low power sensors. The process which is termed as “hardware sensor batching” will empower your android devices to use your phone’s sensors such as GPS, accelerometers, and gyroscopes without draining your battery.

Google Hangouts

In Android 4.4 KitKat, Google Hangouts is the default SMS handler instead of the old messages app. However, you are free to use any third party alternatives if you wish to do so.

Improved Caller ID And Dialer

The improvements made to the caller ID and dialer are simply awesome. For example, the dialer is capable of pulling numbers from your contacts, from businesses near you, or even the company emails instantly. Simply by typing the name of a business, you can find its number without having to perform a search. The caller ID too has become smarter. It uses the local listings in Google maps to indentify inbound calls.

Record Screen (video)

Android 4.4 KitKat’s ‘Record Screen’ feature isn’t just another screenshot, but a full-fledged video recording of your screen. However, it is not possible to record YouTube or other copyright materials with the feature because of its protection features.

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