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The Future Of ASR And Gesture Control Technology In The Mobile Industry

The Future Of ASR And Gesture Control Technology In The Mobile Industry


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) was expected to change the way we interact with computing devices. Unfortunately, ASR failed to perform up to the mark. There are several reasons why programmers are still unable to perfect the software to the expected levels. Unlike the written language, people make quite a lot of mistakes during conversations. While humans rarely recognize these mistakes, computing devices are incapable of ignoring even the least of mistakes.

Other reasons for the inefficiency of ASR include difference in accents, hesitations, slip of the tongue, repetitive words, improper articulation, and homonyms. Although reputed software companies claim that their products have been fine tuned, none of them have been able to satisfy the users so far. As a remedial measure, companies have equipped the speech-to-text (STT) converter with tools that suggest alternatives to spoken words.

All of the three IT giants Apple, Google, and Microsoft have been trying hard to perfect their speech engines, and according to speech technology magazine, Google’s speech engine seems to be more accurate than others’. Researchers are still struggling to find a solution to perfect the technique so that it could make life easier.

Gesture Control

If you are familiar with Microsoft’s Xbox, then you would certainly know how interesting gesture controls can be. According to body language experts, gestures are a great way of communication. In fact, gestures can express what spoken words often can’t. This is what exactly Microsoft has capitalized on. Apart from the giant, there others who are actively involved in developing gesture control technology.

Recently Google acquired Flutter, a gesture control software development company. Flutter was successful in developing gesture control software for the media. Some of the reputed platforms supported by gesture control technology from Flutter include Google Chrome, Netflix, iTunes and a few others. Simply by using the web cam of the computer, users were able to play, pause, or stop movies and songs. The company also had plans of expanding the technology to productive purposes.

Now that Google has acquired the company, experts in the IT field predict that gesture control will soon dominate the mobile world. If this is successfully implemented, you can simply perform various tasks with your hand and facial gestures without having to speak into your device or even touch the screens.

Will gesture control be the next big thing in the mobile technology? We need to wait and watch. Meanwhile, if you have any interesting information on latest mobile technologies, do share it with us.

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