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Facebook to Experiment on Anonymity

Facebook to Experiment on Anonymity

With all the noise created and the apologies rendered for the controversial real names policy, Facebook is apparently not ruling out the possibility of anonymity. The New York Times reported that Facebook is developing a new app that will let users communicate anonymously with one another.

Facebook is said to be working on the anonymity concept that Secret and Whisper are engaged in wherein users can post words and photos to mobile apps anonymously.

Facebook also recently announced Anonymous Login, where users can connect to apps without having to share their Facebook information with them. Though the app cannot access a user’s Facebook data, it will know which app people are using anonymously. It is still not clear on how Facebook will connect with an anonymous app of its own and if it will collect user data.

According to the Times, “The point of the app is to allow Facebook users to use multiple pseudonyms to openly discuss the different things they talk about on the Internet; topics of discussion which they may not be comfortable connecting to their real names”.

With a controversial history of privacy policies, it will be interesting to watch if users would trust Facebook with their secrets and anonymous posts for the reasons that it prides itself for being a platform that insists on using true identities until recently.

Given the fact that Facebook is always looking to adapt to trends, it could be a little late to clone the anonymity concept, as users may not be ready to give up the current apps for an app from Facebook that is famous for compromising on user data.

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