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How To Market Your App And Make Your Customers Find Your App?

How To Market Your App And Make Your Customers Find Your App?

Mobile space is exploding with apps every day. If you are an entrepreneur with a great idea for a mobile app or an IT Director of a Fortune500, one question they are asking is what should be their mobile strategy? Yes, strategy for mobile app and monetization is the elusive question asked by lot of people. Even Facebook is finding it difficult to answer the mobile question. Web companies such as Facebook are built on the business model of serving ads based on the user preferences. Serving web based ads when people are seeing your website is easy and people would click them. However, serving mobile ads is not easy and the click through rate (CTR) is low compared to website ads.

App Discovery – For all the people who want to develop a mobile app or already developing a mobile app, most important question they have to answer is: how people are going to find their mobile app? Yes, in the last count (June 21st, 2012) Apple app store has more than 600,000 apps. Google Marketplace (Google Play) has 550,000 apps. Number of apps is increasing every day. Unless you got a solid viral marketing plan or a built up user base, your app is never going to be found in the marketplace. Innoppl’s mobile app developers in San Francisco and Atlanta have recognized and devised a solid solution to this problem. We suggest multiple ways to our client so that mobile apps can be discovered by the users. Similar to Google for websites, app search engines assist people in finding apps they want. Chomp, Quixey are two popular app search engines and app developers have to submit their apps to these search engines.

Mobile Monetization – Similar to Facebook, lot of other web and ecommerce companies are struggling to find out a best monetization model for the mobile. No universal solution exists in this space but the opportunity is huge. However, cleaver use of tools such as in-app purchase and location based ad serving will yield rich results. Building up the audience engagement is critical for mobile monetization i.e. the freemium model of providing engaging content in forms of game, videos, photos etc. Users need to have a concrete reason to come back to your iPhone or Android app. When the audience engagement is built up, premium content or goods can be sold through in-app purchase.

Only building a mobile app is not the mobile strategy, it is a part of the mobile strategy. Mobile application development is one of the core areas of Innoppl Technologies. We will help you not only to build your mobile app but also to develop a marketing strategy to get the app to your target audience.

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