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Meet Us At The Mobile X Festival

Meet Us At The Mobile X Festival

Ever thought of how you could survive your day without your mobile phone? Scary thought, we know.

Many businesses have realized and are trying to capitalize on the mobile explosion in a consumer’s day to day life – That little extra effort to connect with customers and have maximum outreach through mobile marketing.

And for good reason. According to Statista, in 2015, 75.1% of the mobile phone population accessed the internet from their mobile phone. This figure is expected to grow to 85.6% in 2018. And to top it all, HubSpot predicts that mobile commerce will rule 24.4% of overall eCommerce profit by 2017.

Mobile Marketing – The Mobile X Festival

With such compelling stats, the future for marketers to increase revenue and expand their business brand is clearly in mobile marketing. Indeed, eMarketer confirms that mobile ad spending is expected to reach $195.55 billion in 2019. If this is the case, it’s high time that businesses focus on mobile marketing.

Enter the The Mobile X Festival!

The Mobile X Festival is an unconference for businesses who want to grow in sales and revenue through mobile. Happening on Wednesday, May 11 and Thursday, May 12 at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech, the Mobile X Festival promises an actionable agenda for its participants.

There will be experts and executives from Fortune 500 companies, marketing agencies, professors from Georgia Tech and panelists from some of the finest organizations, all under a single roof.

And Atlanta app developer team will be there, too! We’ll be hosting the following:

  1. Think Tank: Come join Nash and Pon (Founders of Innoppl) for in-depth discussion on The Top Most Important Issues When Developing A Mobile App For Your Business – Thursday, May 12 at 2:15pm.
  2. Talk Table: Stop by our table to discover how to,“Get It Built, Get It Launched!” Learn about how to make your business app idea a reality – All day Thursday.
  3. Ambassadors: Jeff and Kumaran from the Innoppl Team will be helping attendees all day as official Mobile X Ambassadors! Ask them all the questions – They’re there to help.

There will also be Virtual Reality Pods, a Shark Tank-like competition, a Mobile X Charity Lab, Roundtable Discussions, Food Trucks and more. Here’s a great opportunity to build your network and gain excellent tips in taking the next steps through mobile in marketing. Register for The Mobile X Festival today!

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