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How To Optimize Your iPad App For The Retina Display?

How To Optimize Your iPad App For The Retina Display?

With the launch of New iPad which has a retina display (resolution of 2048 by 1536 pixels), it provides tremendous opportunity for iPad app owners to make use of the retina display. Obviously, if you are a business owner or an entrepreneur with a iPad app or planning to develop a iPad app you have to take advantage of the retina display.

Benefits of developing a iPad app that is optimized for retina display are:

a. Get featured in the Apple App Store. Yes, Apple is featuring the apps that are optimized for retina display. This means thousands of instant downloads and more revenues. Sooner is better because eventually all of the apps might have to be optimized for the retina display.

b. Better reading / viewing / navigating experience for your customers. If you are a high-end luxury retailer, retina display can be used to provide a unique and rich shopping experience to your customers.

Now the question is how to optimize the iPad app for retina display? You have come to the right place. iOS (iPhone & iPad) app developers at Innoppl Technologies have been working with iOS platform for the past three years developing apps for business and entrepreneurs. First, all the existing images / pictures / graphics that are used in the app have to be replaced with high-resolution images. Quality of graphics and images is the most important step for optimizing the app for the retina display.

If the app has heavy duty graphics, little more work has to be done so that optimizing the graphics does not adversely affect the performance of the app. Similarly, apps with lot of video content have to replace existing videos with high resolution videos. This might also involve reshooting certain videos. Developers have to keep an eye on the increase in size of the apps before and after the change in graphics and animations. Increase in size of the app has to be delicately balanced with the performance of the app. If you are in Atlanta or in San Francisco Bay Area and want to develop a iPhone & iPad app, please contact us. We assure you that iOS developers at Innoppl Technologies will develop the next amazing iPhone or iPad app for you.

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