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Top Trends In The Mobile Industry

Top Trends In The Mobile Industry

It’s been a busy week in mobile. The developments are phenomenal as the caliber of technology gets more sophisticated. Here’s what you should know.

Wearables By Google For Clinical Trial Purposes

Wearable technology is becoming an important tool in the healthcare industry. Some trackers are used to measure critical vitals in hospitals. A new research by Google X on wearable device measures a person’s pulse, skin’s temperature with respect to the external condition such as light, temperature, etc. The wearable device monitors the condition of the patient during all circumstances and record which factor affects them the most. The data collected will be provided to all doctors and research analyst to understand and diagnose the patient condition, along with providing insightful details for clinical trials.

Expect 5G By 2020

Just as we’re getting accustomed to 4G speed, the plans for releasing 5G by 2020 are going strong. The 5 year plan for its effective release is governed by the International Telecommunications Union. The official name assigned is IMT-2020 and the plan will outline various features of the much awaited 5G. The official requirements are still not out, but the talks state that it would support speeds of over 20Gpbs, easily downloading 4G videos in less than 10 seconds. This internet speed is required to power self driven cars and various other big projects that are in line.

Perfect Your Shots With Qlipp Tennis Sensors

This tiny sensor can read the accuracy of the shot, ball speed, spin and other requirements to analyze your tennis game. The sensor can sync with your smartphone placed within 50 meters to shout out your game performance. If you capture the game play with the smartphone, the sensor can sync your shot with the video and save it in slow motion to analyze your stance and shot. The sensor lasts for about 4 hours with a charging time of 90 minutes. It’s a light weight sensor which is fixed securely in your racquet.

Smart Pen Syncs Your Virtual Writing Space To Any App

Phree, a smart pen by Gilad Lederer, lets you write on any surface and transmits the stroke to your smart device. It uses a 3D laser interferometer to trace each and every pen stroke over any surface and captures it in high definition with the use of an optical sensor. The patented mechanism took over 20 years to be perfected and now any handwriting can be traced and transmitted to a Bluetooth enabled device. The laser is similar to that in the optical mice, and then a series of signal processing algorithm is used to measure the pen’s stroke in all three axes, X-Y-Z. This data is processed by Phree the same way a human writes, therefore no latency exists and the strokes captured are accurately. Phree is not only accurate in capturing the strokes but when you give in some pressure, it understands that you want the particular portion to be darker. I am super excited to try this spectacular product.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Curb –The Smart Home Monitoring System

The Smart Home technology has evolved greatly by providing various tools to monitor our everyday usage of water, electricity and other essentials. But, it’s kind of exhausting to manage multiple products which help us achieve similar results. Curb is a single product used to monitor all your household usage and provides recommendation on how to reduce your carbon footprint. It makes use of up to 18 sensors that’s connected to the breaker box, routers, electricity meter and every product which needs monitoring. With this unique measure, you can find your daily household spending. Curb can also be set to send notifications to your app when usage crosses a threshold limit to maintain an optimal usage.

Texting Lane – Maybe More Schools Should Implement It

As the number of people obsessing over smartphones increase, enforcing such lanes is not a bad idea as we come across snail-paced people, all the time, busy with their phones. The problem seems to be prominent in many schools and this particular school in Utah felt the need to have a separate lane to not hinder people who are in a hurry to get to their classes on time. Running on to distracted people on staircases often leads to unfortunate accidents which can be avoided by enforcing such simple rules.

The talk about 5G and the launch of Phree are exciting news. Want to make your mark in the mobile field, call our expert consultants. Stay tuned for more updated technology.

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