Category: Blog

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The Future Of ASR And Gesture Control Technology In The Mobile Industry

ASR Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) was expected to change the way we interact with computing devices.

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Principles For Creating Flabbergasting App Interface

Any review on mobile apps would start with the user interface. Even the mobile operators and the app

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Security Risks In Enterprise Mobile Apps And Possible Prevention Measures

Enterprise mobile apps are gaining momentum by the day with more and more businesses realizing the benevolence

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What’s First – iOS Or Android?

Less than a year back iOS had all the developer attention. Today, iOS faces stiff competition from Android.

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iOS 6 Features – A Developer Prespective

NEW FEATURES: IOS 6 has few interesting new UI controls to make application development easier. 1. UI

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UIDatePicker-iPhone App Programming

I ran into this issue when I was programming for an iPhone app three days back… Issue is not able to

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New Features Of PHP 5.4.x

I’m happy to discuss about the new features of PHP 5.4.X here. New Features are lot in numbers, but

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Designing An iPhone App

iPhone app design has been started with the wireframe, wireframe may be a simple drawing in a pen, there

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Gantry Framework

Designing of website from Photoshop will never fade out. When it comes to html conversion, there will

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YII PHP Framework – Review

If you asked me to review YII PHP Framework in a word, I will not hesitate to call it as a friend. He

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Knock Knock, It’s Mozilla (Boot To Gecko or B2G or Firefox OS)

It’s mozilla’s turn to introduce a mobile platform, Boot to Gecko, an open source mobile operating

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Alternative PHP Cache

This article describes about Alternative PHP Cache (APC) to improve PHP application performance. In PHP

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Nash Ogden

Nash Ogden

20+ Years of Experience Working with Multiple Brands

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